

Elliot Jurist is Professor of Psychology and Philosophy at the Graduate Center and The City College of New York, CUNY.  From 2004-2013, he served as the Director of the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at CUNY. 

He teaches doctoral level courses on Clinical Practicum, Ethical and Professional Issues, Practicum in Supervision and Consultation, Contemporary Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory and Psychoanalytic Conceptions of Mind, Character and Agency.


 “Virtue, Well-Being and Mentalized Affectivity,” Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 2023.

 “Development and Validation of the Brief 12 Item Mentalized Affectivity Scale (B-MAS): A Measure of Emotion Regulation and Mentalization,” co-written with David Greenberg, Sasha Rudenstine and Rozita Alaluf.  The Journal of Clinical Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23203, 2021.

“The Mentalized Affectivity Scale (MAS): Development and Validation of the Italian Version” co-written with Teresa Rinaldi, Andrea Greco, David M. Greenberg, Annalisa Valle, Ilaria Castelli and Antonella Marchetti, PLoS ONE,, 2021.

“Mentalized Affectivity in a Nutshell: Validation of the Italian version of the Brief-Mentalized Affectivity Scale (B-MAS),” co-written with Marianna Liotti, Grazia Spitono, Vittoria Lingiardi, Antonella Marchetti, Anna Maria Speranza, Annalisa Valle and Guido Giovannardi, PLoS ONE, 2021.

 “Examining the Relationship Between Caregiver Mentalized Affectivity and Childhood Defense Mechanisms,” co-written with Hannah Dunn, Sasha Rudenstine, and Steve Tuber, Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 2021.

 “Commentary on Mentalization and Culture,” with M. Sosa, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 26(4): ArtID: e12302, 2019.

“A Commentary on Duschinsky’s Interview with Peter Fonagy and Fonagy’s Response,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, July 2019.

 “A Concluding Commentary on the Special Issue on the PDM-2: Celebration, and Future Hopes (Plus a Few Anxieties),” Psychoanalytic Psychology, July 2018.

“Mentalized Affectivity: A New Model and Scale of Emotion Regulation,” PLoS ONE 12 (10): e0185264, 2017.

“Less Citation, Less Dissemination: The Case of French Psychoanalysis,” co-written with Olivier Putois and Remy Potier, in Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 7, Article 1729, November 2016.
“Exclamation! Honoring Philip Bromberg” in Division/Review, 2016.
“It Takes Two to Tango: Introduction to the Special Issue on Psychoanalysis and the Humaities,” co-written with Spyros Orfanos, in Psychoanalytic Psychology, June 2016.
“Whatever Happened to the Superego: Loewald and the Future of Psychoanalysis,” article to appear in special issue on Hans Loewald in Psychoanalytic Psychology, October 2014.

“Art and Emotion in Psychoanalysis,” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, October 2006.

“Mentalized Affectivity,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, Summer 2005.

Book Chapters

“Mentalizing From/With/To the Body” in Psychoanalysis and the Mind/Body Problem. Ed. J. Mills (Routledge, 2022)

“Multiplicity, Dissociation and Mentalization in Margareth von Trotta’s Hannah Arendt” in Cinematic Reflections on the Legacy of the Holocaust: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Co-authored with Diana Diamond. Eds. Diana Diamond and Bruce Skalrew. (Routledge, 2018).
“A Defense of Strong Pluralism” in Progress in Psychoanalysis: Envisioning the Future of the Profession.  Eds. Steve Axelrod, Ronald Naso, and Larry Rosenberg (Routledge, 2018).“A Defense of Strong Pluralism in Psychoanalysis: Mentalizing the Hermeneutics/ Science Debate” in Progress in Psychoanalysis: Envisioning the Future of the Profession.  Eds. Steve Axelrod, Ronald Naso, and Larry Rosenberg (Routledge, 2018)


Book Review with Jane Ektman of Judith Herman’s Trauma and Repair: How Trauma Survivors Envision Justice in Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society (forthcoming).

 Book Review of Linda L. Michaels, Tom Wooldridge, Nancy Burke, and Janice R. Muhr’s (Eds).  Advancing Psychotherapy for the Next Generation: Humanizing Mental Health Policy and Practice in Psychoanalytic Inquiry (forthcoming).

 Book Review of Lori Gottlieb’s Maybe You Should Talk to Someone in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (71)4. February 2023.

 Book Review of Jared Russell’s Psychoanalysis and Deconstruction: Freud’s Psychic Apparatus in Psychoanalytic Psychology, 38(3), 231–233, 2021.

 Book Review of Enrico Gnaulati’s Saving Talk Therapy in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, February 2020.

 Book Review of Lisa Feldman Barrett’s How Emotions are Made in Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, August 2019.

 Book Review of Morris Eagle’s Core Concepts in Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Research Evidence and Conceptual Critiques in Psychoanalytic Psychology April, 2019.

Book Review of Dagmar Herzog’s Cold War Freud in Psychoanalytic Quarterly (forthcoming).

Book Review of Susan Sugarman’s What Freud Really Meant: A Chronological Reconstruction of his Theory of Mind in Metascience, September 2016.

Book Review of Lewis Aron and Karen Starr’s A Psychotherapy for the People in Psychoanalytic Quarterly, October 2014.

Book Review of Alfred Tauber’s Freud: The Reluctant Philosopher in International Journal of Psychoanalysis, April 2012.




2024. Leadership Award, Division 39, American Psychological Association, April 4.

 2022. Book Completion Award, CUNY, for Indulgences: Memoir & Therapy (Workshop with Vivian Gornick, Patricia Hampl and Ben Lerner, March 30).

 2019. Best Theoretical Book, American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis.

 2019.  Finalist for Best Book, Gradiva Award.

2017. APA announces that Psychoanalytic Psychology, edited by Elliot Jurist, has the highest impact factor of any psychoanalytic journal (1stout of 13).
2017. Nominated for Gradiva Award, for On-Line Only Issue on Psychoanalysis and the Humanities in Psychoanalytic Psychology
2014 (June). Invited Speaker, Psychology Day, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
2014 (April). Scholarship Award, Division 39, Invited Address, New York, NY
